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Bev’s Story

Bev – When I first met Adam I was suffering from chronic lower back pain which was affecting my life in so many ways. I had to leave a job I loved when I was on the brink of promotion. Found myself withdrawing from social situations as the pain drained all of my energy. I had tried everything, chiropractor, osteopath, physio, acupuncture, bowen technique….the list goes on. I spent loads of money searching something that would help. Every time I tried something new I was full of hope that this would be the thing that would help, but time and time again I felt as if there was no hope. Just prior to meeting Adam I hit rock bottom and was suffering severe anxiety and depression as a result of the relentless pain and had lost all hope. I’m part of a group on Facebook and one of the ladies on there recommended Adam and told me he had worked wonders for her so I thought it was worth a go. At my first meeting with Adam I was frightened to bend down, wouldn’t pick anything up and basically was afraid to move. From the first meeting, Adam managed to put me at ease and explained how pain worked in a way no one else I had. He started me on an exercise programme and although I was scared at first I gave it my all. I cannot believe the difference seeing Adam has made, he has built my confidence and had me doing things I never believed possible like flipping tyres and lifting weights. He makes each session fun and pushes you to realize your true ability, something which pain can take away from you. My husband and friends cannot believe the difference in me and he had helped me move forward with my life and do ‘normal’ things. He truly is a miracle worker!