
The resource page is here to quickly connect you to what you are looking for

Hypermobility Rehab Info

Contained within this hypermobility rehab resource page, you will find hypermobility exercises, stretches, and information on all things hypermobility.

Hypermobility resource page


Hosted by Adam and the rest of the team, this light-hearted Fibromyalgia podcast sees the practitioners kick back and discuss what they are truly passionate about.


Best Fibromyalgia Podcast picture


Our Articles on a variety of topics from rib subluxations, cold showers, stretching, and TMJD

Blog article picture: a hand on a showe dial


The expansion of The Fibro Guy has given us time to produce more behind the scenes footage in the form of short documentaries.

A girl with Fibromyalgia standing up from the floor

Reading Our Book

This section of the website is a dedicated area for those currently reading the book “No pain, No Pain” written by Dr Mairi Harper and Adam Foster.

The Book No pain No pain: which talks about fibromyalgia recovery

Client Testimonial

"The first photo was taken this time last year when I was in the darkest place I’ve ever been in. My body had completely given up on me, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, and I could barely walk. I burst into tears every day because I just couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel"
A girl smiling
Hypermobility Client

“The second picture was taken on my birthday, my smile is genuine. I didn’t take that picture then have to sit down for 20 minutes because I was so tired. After taking this pic, I just went out and enjoyed life. I could never have gotten anywhere near the place I’m at now without the massive support from my family, friends, and The Fibro Guy”

Most Recent Articles

A blue eye
Fibromyalgia Blog

Fibromyalgia and Eye Pain

The unpredictable nature of fibromyalgia is well-known to those who have been living with the condition. Your joints will ache one day. The following day,

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