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Clara’s Story

“I feel like I have gotten my life back!
Before working with Adam, I was having problems with my shoulder subluxing, hypermobility and fibromyalgia. I was officially diagnosed with fibro and hypermobility a few years ago, although I really had problems from a very young age. I have been in pain a lot of my life, which culminated in my living a very limited existence.

I was exposed to a variety of treatments once I was diagnosed: nerve blockers, cortisone injections, Gabapentin, antihistamines, steroids, and anti-reflux medication. These all seemed to have very short-term effects, or indeed at times felt like they made things worse. My body was in agony I was hyper-sensitive. I suffered from fatigue, IBS, and vertigo, and I was very worried about my future. I then started researching myself, as we all do, and through the course of this research, I came across Adam and his work. I didn’t go to Newcastle right away, as I didn’t feel fit enough to make the journey from Ireland. I started a few Fibroguy exercises I had seen online and followed homoeopathic remedies provided by a close friend (to whom I am forever grateful!) I gave up all other medication, and I eventually felt strong enough to get to Newcastle, where I started my programme with Adam officially.

It’s now eight weeks later, and I cannot believe how strong I feel. I have no pain, other than normal post-exercise pain. I have an amazing amount of energy. I no longer feel I need to live by the spoon theory, which I had depended on so much before. I am comfortably able to exercise, to walk over 10,000 steps daily, and do the things I want. I feel like I have got my life back!