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Danielle’s Story


“For over 2 years I had constant pain in my left knee, along with daily subluxations due to my hyper mobility (partial Dislocations). I have a 2 year old little girl I found that i wasn’t able to kneel on the floor to play with her, I couldn’t bend easily to look after her and I couldn’t walk very well, let alone think about exercising. After a long few months of physiotherapy and getting no further forward, my only option was the surgical route, where in they wanted to drill a hole in my kneecap and place in band to keep it in the right place. I was recommended the fibro guy by a friend who Adam had helped get off crutches and become pain free. After just 10 weeks I am now able to kneel, bend, squat, and walk without pain. I can even lunge, jump, weight lift… (The list goes on!) All completely pain free! My knee is stable and doesn’t sublux any more, And more importantly, I trust my knee again. I feel refreshed and ready to start exercising again l, and living without restrictions. I can’t thank Adam enough, its had a huge impact on both me and my family!”