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Dawn’s Story

Dawn – “I was exhausted all the time, any sort of physical activity made me feel tired and ill, even holding down a lively conversation in a pub was exhausting at times. I stopped going to the gym, I went to bed early every night and had to nap at the weekend just to survive the week.

I had various blood tests at the GP over time, all of which came back clear. I got to the point where I couldn’t take feeling ill and tired all the time, which is when I found The Fibro Guy. I had a browse on the website and went back to it a few times while I was going back and forth to the GP. After all the tests came back clear, the first thing I did was contact The Fibro Guy.

I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but I figured it wouldn’t do any harm to send an initial enquiry. And it turns out I was right! I was really lucky that Fibro Guy Edinburgh had just opened, and Jonny got back to me really quickly and invited me down for an initial consultation.

That was the start of the end  for me. I really quickly noticed the tiredness slip away. I didn’t notice before I went to see Jonny but I was also in pain. My back, neck and shoulders in particular were sore and stiff, and I wasn’t moving very freely at all. A lot of the work Jonny did with me initially was on loosening up my body and I soon felt comfortable lying in bed on my back or stomach – it was only after I started feeling better that I realised I had been uncomfortable for some time.

About half-way through my programme the coronavirus lockdown hit, but Jonny really quickly adapted the programme and we did everything over video call.

I’m now finished with the programme and I can honestly say it has changed my life. I have so much more energy, I don’t nap anymore, I go to bed at a normal time, I walk as far as I like, as often as I like, I run and jump around with my daughter like I used to, and I’ve started running again.

If you’re reading this and thinking about whether or not the programme is for you, my advice would be to give it a go. You’ll never know until you try, and it’s got to be better to do something than nothing, right? I really don’t think you’ll be disappointed”