Hedda’s Story


“I was sick from the age of 9, battling with pain, dislocations and subluxations on a daily basis. I wore braces and splinters and used other aids, depending on my energy levels.

Back in Norway I started feeling very hopeless regarding my future. Then my very stubborn mom, who had been searching high and low for a way to get me healthier told me about a man in Newcastle called The Fibro Guy. I thought, why not, let’s do it, I can’t lose anything by trying this exercise and education programme. And let me tell you, it has been the best decision I have ever made!

The week I arrived in Newcastle,  my dad and I tried to do some sightseeing and I struggled so much my dad had to carry my bag because it was too heavy for my shoulders. I was so exhausted after a few hours and I fell asleep at 8’o clock in the evening. I didn’t know if I could make it to the car to get to the appointment with Adam, but luckily I did. After just a few sessions my energy levels rose through the ceiling, I felt more stable, I felt empowered, and my mindset has been completely changed.

I have now gained a social life, I’ve lived by myself in a foreign country, travelled, gone on hikes, even gone clubbing. It’s been hard and at times exhausting work, but it has definitely been more than worth it. My parents are now getting a completely new person, with so much energy, joy and hope for her future.”

Hedda’s story was also featured in the local press here.

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