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Richard came up to Newcastle for a workshop in January and he has been one of the best people to work with remotely. Richard has literally text every day and I’m really happy with how things are progressing!

“My name is Richard Lawrence (Age 66) and for the past two years, I have been suffering from Polymyalgia which was followed by Fibromyalgia which reverted back to Polymyalgia.
Two months ago I got to the point where I had difficulty in climbing the stairs getting in and out of the car and many other normal everyday activities. This coupled with severe pain. Which was soul destroying?
After blood tests which showed high ESR and CRP levels, a rheumatologist prescribed steroids (prednisolone) through my GP and stated that exercise is a good thing to help combat the condition. But due to the pain and discomfort, it was very difficult to get the motivation and push and drive to accomplish this without professional help.
I had tried several Physiotherapists to no avail.

Trawling the internet I found Adam Foster (The Fibro Guy) and purchased the Fibromyalgia Graded Exercise Programme. I followed this with a 3 hour consultation with Adam in Newcastle which for me is a 400 mile round trip, this was invaluable. Following on from the consultation the personal exercise regime that Adam devised for me is incredible. All exercises hit the right areas but do become easier with time. He also backs this up with help and advice. I can honestly say that I have never felt so good and will continue with Adam’s programme.

I can see now how the physical can affect the psychological and that can affect the social as they all feed off one another, just like Adam taught me.
Good luck to Adam and long may he continue”