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Low-Dose Naltrexone For Fibromyalgia

A scientist working on Low-Dose Naltrexone For Fibromyalgia

If you would prefer to listen to this article about Low-Dose Naltrexone, please click below. For those with Fibromyalgia, it’s not uncommon to use medications off-label. This essentially means that the medicine is being used in a way that is different from that described in the licence, and one such drug is Naltrexone, or, to […]

Cortical Thickness in Understanding ASD and ADHD

A picture of a white brain drawing on a black background.

If you would prefer to listen to this article, please click below. Over the last few years, I have talked a lot about the prevalence of Neurodiversity within the hypermobile population. And to be honest, it’s very important to do so!   Most studies find that over 50% of participants with a diagnosis of Autism, attention deficit hyperactivity […]

Outdoor Exercise For Fibromyalgia

A small path running through a beautiful forrest

It’s been pretty well established that exercise is one of the most beneficial things a person with Fibromyalgia can do, as long as it’s done correctly. However, is there any way to get more benefits from exercise? Well, as it turns out, taking your exercise to the great outdoors can bring about a whole host of additional benefits. […]

Can your brain make you sick?

A woman holding her head stood infront of a picture of a brain

If you would prefer to listen to this article, please click below. Normally, when we think of getting sick, we think of it as viruses and bacteria from the outside world getting into our bodies, however, there are occasions when this isn’t the only way that we can get sick. Let’s explore the strange question […]

Fibromyalgia and Back Pain

A woman with back hair wearing a white t-shirt in pain because of her back.

If you would prefer to listen to this article instead, then please click below. Chronic back pain is a problem that many people diagnosed with Fibromyalgia deal with on a daily basis, with some studies showing that potentially up to 50% of those diagnosed have back pain. However, it is not just those with Fibro, chronic back […]

Grounding/Earthing and Fibromyalgia

A woman's feet on grass

If you would prefer to listen to this article on Fibromyalgia and Grounding, please click below. Every decade seems to come with its own fads, and one that seems to pop up regularly is the topic of grounding and fibromyalgia. The problem, however, is that most of the claims surrounding grounding, often known simply as […]

Fibromyalgia and Amitriptyline

A gloved hand holding the medication Amitriptyline

If you would prefer to listen to this article, then please click below. There really isn’t any shortage when it comes to finding those with Fibromyalgia who use Amitriptyline. In the years since it was first approved for use, its prescription has only ever increased. Whilst there are a great many individuals who do swear […]

Chronic Pain and Horror Films

People in a movie theater

Did you know that Horror films may be beneficial for those with Chronic Pain? Surprisingly, we noticed a while ago that some of our clients often turn to horror films to help with their pain. When you start digging, there is some research to show why that may be the case. Probably the most interesting […]

Shoulder Blade Exercises For Fibromyalgia

A woman's shoulder blade

Pain in the shoulder blade and neck area is a common complaint that we hear a lot from our Fibromyalgia clients. It’s not uncommon for pain and fatigue to change how we move, how we sit, and how we use our bodies. The body wide pain that comes with Fibromyalgia often causes us to adopt […]

Sleep And Napping With Fibromyalgia

A man taking a nap with a pillow

When it comes to sleep and napping with Fibromyalgia, we’ve all been there. In fact, one study of 1000 individuals found that napping was prevalent in around 85% of those with Fibromyalgia. Whilst the reasons around napping differed from person to person, the biggest reasons seem to include tiredness/exhaustion, not feeling well, and headaches.  If you find yourself […]

Chronic Pain and Pets

A Man with his dog

We noticed a long time ago that many of our chronic pain clients had pets, and that they often seemed to help with pain levels. At The Fibro Guy, Frank is our mascot and emotional support dog. He has been around clients since he was a puppy and loves nothing more than a stroke or […]

Fibromyalgia and Cold Intolerance

A woman with Fibromyalgia feeling cold

With winter on the way, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about cold weather and Fibromyalgia, or more simply put, Fibromyalgia and cold intolerance. There was once a time no one had heard of Fibromyalgia, unfortunately, it is now a much more common condition,  seen in around 2% of the population. […]