Hypermobility and Sleep

A women with hypermobility sleeping with a U shaped pillow

If you would prefer to listen to this article on hypermobility/ EDS sleep problems, then please click below. It’s not uncommon for those with Hypermobility and EDS to have difficulty getting into a comfortable sleeping position. Subluxating/dislocating joints, gastric issues, pain, and even anxiety are all factors that many of those with conditions like Ehlers-Danlos […]

KT Tape for Hypermobility and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

KT tape on a hypermobile knee

It is not uncommon to see those with hypermobility and EDS covered in an abundance of brightly coloured KT tape. Kinesio tape comes highly recommended for those with hypermobility, however, just like most modalities, there are those that find it helpful and those who do not. There is an abundance of claims when it comes […]

Hypermobility Knee Exercises

Hypermobility Knee Exercises

People generally have some issues with the specific hypermobility knee exercises that are currently out there. They either don’t work or they yield very little results. This is largely due to the simple fact that the current treatment around exercises for those with hypermobility, are built on a false premise and simply do not take […]

TMJD Exercises

Hypermobility TMJD exercises

Please click below if you would prefer to listen to this article on Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. We have worked with clients for a long time, and many present with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD). These clients all seem to have tried the same generic exercises to help alleviate their jaw pain. However, these generic exercises don’t […]

Hypermobility exercises for children

Hypermobility children exercises demo

Hypermobility and children In recent years the medical world has begun to realise that the prevalence of hypermobility is far greater than it was once thought to be. Therefore, it has never been a better time to focus on specific hypermobility exercises for children. This helps them to increase their joint stability, motor skills, and […]

Hypermobility and EDS: What is the best diet?

Ehlers Danlos and hypermobility diet

If you would prefer to listen to this article, then please click below: A well-balanced diet is essential to our health, but with conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder, the topic of diet can be fraught with pitfalls and disappointment. What works for one may not necessarily work for others, and […]

Hypermobility Rib Subluxation: A Practical Guide

Hypermobile ribs

If you would prefer to listen to this article, then please click below. Let’s talk about the dreaded hypermobility rib subluxation and the current subluxation exercises that are out there. It’s no secret that subluxations and dislocations are more prevalent in the hypermobile population, which means an unfortunate victim of subluxations can be the ribs. Subluxation […]

Running with hypermobility

A hyper mobile woman running

It seems like every week a question about running with hypermobility comes up with a new client of ours in the studio. As usual, there is always a lot to cover within this topic, as when it comes to hypermobility, there is an alarming amount of misinformation surrounding the topic. There seems to be at […]

Hypermobile Flat Feet: A Hypermobility exercise

A hypermobility exercise for feet using a band

Those with hypermobility may have what is coined “flat feet” (which can also be referred to as “collapsed arches” or “fallen arches). This is where the muscles of the foot aren’t able to fully support our structures above. There seems to be much demand for a simple and effective hypermobility foot arch exercise. So, below you […]

Is stretching good for hypermobility? A beginner guide

A woman with hyper extended knees

Is stretching good for hypermobility? This seems like a fairly simple question, which should have a fairly simple answer, but does it? If you want a subject that will make your head spin, then welcome to an area of life that is just fraught with myths and misinformation. Why can some people stretch with hypermobility […]

Hypermobility core exercises

Balancing rocks: Hypermobility core exercises

The Core stability fad Every decade has its fads, with some coming and some going. Unfortunately, though, hypermobility core exercises seem to have maintained a strong foothold in the industry, with many health care providers continuing to perpetuate the myth of core stability. The reason I call it is a myth is simple because it is. […]